fundamental concepts

prototyping and model making for patents & patent litigation

Fundamental Concepts LLC is your premier partner in patent visualization, prototyping, and technical advising. We are dedicated to crafting meticulously detailed and accurate models and other trial exhibits tailored to the unique needs of patent litigation. We also provide technical advising services to give you the basis to understand the technology at issue.

We also specialize in prototyping services for inventors and production of patent-quality drawings to get you started in the patent process.

demonstratives & Exhibits

Winning a patent lawsuit depends as much on being able to teach judge and jury about the technology at issue as on explaining the facts of the suit. A poster can only do so much to help you explain complex devices and assemblies. Having a physical, tangible, true-to-spec model of the device at issue can make everything far more clear than pointing at a picture.

A picture may be worth a thousand words but having an accurate model in the hands of the jury is priceless.

Prototyping & patent drawings

One of the biggest challenges with a new invention is being able to explain it to others. This is especially important when you present your idea to a patent attorney. Although a talented attorney will be able to turn a crayon sketch on a cocktail napkin into an excellent patent, bringing patent-ready drawings will save time and money in getting your patent drafted. Likewise, having high-quality drawings, CAD models, and physical prototypes will make a huge impact on potential investors and can help you move forward with bringing your idea into reality.

why choose fundamental concepts

Trial Exhibits

There are many companies that can produce models. The difference is that Fundamental Concepts brings to bear fifteen years of experience in patent law, including twelve years as a practicing patent attorney. We can deliver true-to-patent trial exhibits that help you make your case. Our experience with patent litigation saves you time and money because we know what you need our models to show, and we can help you make sure the jury sees it.

Additionally, we are happy to act as technical consultant to help you understand the technology involved in your trial using the same models, drawings, and other media you will use in the courtroom.


Our experience of filing and prosecuting hundreds of patent applications gives us the knowledge and experience you need to produce high-quality, application-ready drawings. In my personal experience, an invention disclosure that includes good drawings at the outset will lead to a significantly faster and less costly filed patent application.

Plus, having a prototype is invaluable for an inventor as it not only brings their innovative concept to life, providing a tangible proof of concept, but also serves as a powerful tool for testing, refining, and ultimately, showcasing the full potential of their invention to investors, collaborators, and potential customers.

Let’s get started

Have questions? We're here to assist you. Feel free to reach out to us using the convenient contact form below. Whether you need more information about our services, have specific project requests, or simply want to explore how we can support your needs, we're eager to hear from you. Your message is important to us, and we'll respond promptly to help you get the answers and solutions you seek. 


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